

272 Uppsatser om Invalid absence - Sida 1 av 19

Arbetsvillkorens samband med sjukfrånvaro och sjuknärvaro  : En studie av hemtjänstpersonal

Sickness absence is a measure of health and is therefore an important issue. To get a complete picture it´s important to also include in the discussion sickness presenteeism, working while ill, and voluntary absence, staying at home without illness. Working conditions have been proven to play a role for the three aspects which is why this study aims to further investigate the connections between them. The method used was secondary processing on interview data collected from two home care teams, one having a low and the other a high sickness absence. The results showed that there were big differences concerning working conditions, where the group with the high sickness absence perceived more stress, less control and less support from colleagues and superiors.

Olovlig frånvaro i skolan som problem och diskurs. Rättigheter och skyldigheter i den samtida utbildningspolitiken

The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in law and other types of politicialregulation regarding unauthorized absence during the reformation of the Swedish schoolsystem in 2010. How was this ?new? approach on unauthorized absence established; whatmade it possible and which view on ?unauthorized absence? does it implicate? The study hasa discourse analytic approach in which it examines central policy documents regarding thetopic of inquiry. The study has found that the alliance-government?s education policy onunauthorized absence is pervaded by one hegemonic discourse termed the mono-culturaldisciplinary discourse.

Big Kahuna? - Hållbarhet och grön marknadsföring i snabbmatsbranschen

The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in law and other types of politicialregulation regarding unauthorized absence during the reformation of the Swedish schoolsystem in 2010. How was this ?new? approach on unauthorized absence established; whatmade it possible and which view on ?unauthorized absence? does it implicate? The study hasa discourse analytic approach in which it examines central policy documents regarding thetopic of inquiry. The study has found that the alliance-government?s education policy onunauthorized absence is pervaded by one hegemonic discourse termed the mono-culturaldisciplinary discourse.

Det slutna rummet : En studie av högstadieelevers upplevelser, erfarenheter och känslor i idrottens omklädningsrum

This study concerns the experiences and feelings students in intermediate school gain from the changing room to sports class. It is a qualitative study with a socio-cultural approach, which has been analysed in a hermeneutic way. The students? voices have been heard through interviews and questionnaires, and furthermore, to get a broader perspective, adults working in school, have also been interviewed. The study shows that many children feel discomfort without clothes in the changing room, furthermore that the absence of adults in this room may add to exercise of power amongst the student, like abuse, direct- and indirect threats or to exclude someone from the group.

En studie av en hälsointervention mot stress, ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro bland kundtjänstanställda

The aim of this study was to investigate a health intervention at a Swedish telecom company, with regards to behavioral, cognitive and somatic stress, experienced health, and absence due to illness. A further aim was to investigate the employees' perceptions regarding the health intervention. Questionnaires were collected from 139 employees at the customer service departments.Results indicated that the health activity bowling to some extent could predict lower behavioral stress. However, the most important predictors of stress and perceived health were lack of meaningfulness and quantitative demands. Lack of meaningfulness was also a predictor of absence due to illness.

Förändring av betygssystemet : Elevers och lärares syn på några nya förslag

I riksdagsvalet 2006 fick Sverige en ny regering med borgerligt styre. Förslag som utlovades i valrörelsen, särskilt från folkpartiet, som rör grundskolans senare år var bland annat att man vill införa betyg tidigare, använda sig av ett ordningsomdöme och att den ogiltiga frånvaron ska synas i betyget.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad lärare och elever tycker om dessa förslag. Metoden som jag använt mig av har varit en enkätundersökning som genomförts i tre sjätteklasser och tre sjundeklasser samt att intervjua fyra lärare som tjänstgjort olika länge på grundskolans senare år. Resultatet visar att antalet elever är jämnt fördelade om de vill ha betyg tidigare eller inte medan två av tre elever vill att ett ordningsomdöme ska införas och att skolk ska synas i betyget. Någon större skillnad mellan årskurserna och mellan pojkar och flickor kunde ej uppmätas.

Förändring av betygssystemet : Elevers och lärares syn på några nya förslag

I riksdagsvalet 2006 fick Sverige en ny regering med borgerligt styre. Förslag som utlovades i valrörelsen, särskilt från folkpartiet, som rör grundskolans senare år var bland annat att man vill införa betyg tidigare, använda sig av ett ordningsomdöme och att den ogiltiga frånvaron ska synas i betyget.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad lärare och elever tycker om dessa förslag. Metoden som jag använt mig av har varit en enkätundersökning som genomförts i tre sjätteklasser och tre sjundeklasser samt att intervjua fyra lärare som tjänstgjort olika länge på grundskolans senare år. Resultatet visar att antalet elever är jämnt fördelade om de vill ha betyg tidigare eller inte medan två av tre elever vill att ett ordningsomdöme ska införas och att skolk ska synas i betyget. Någon större skillnad mellan årskurserna och mellan pojkar och flickor kunde ej uppmätas.

Nära Frånvaro

The presence of the absentMy project is based on the idea that we all leave something behind, traces which tell stories about us for others to read.I wanted to give these traces a value by collecting them in a book. My aim was to create pictures open enough so others can fill in their own stories.I used different methods to find ways to describe the absence: such as illustrations, installations and photos, oftendescribed in a sensitive way. I also changed the character of everyday objects to add a kind of awareness left by an earlier user of the object.By using my own imagination with inspiration from people I talked to, I created lyrics and pictures for the book. It has resulted in a 112 paged book containing my own interpretationsof other opinions about absence, along with short lyrics of various characteristics.Hopefully the book will make others more aware of the traces left in their own surrounding and bring up questions about human contact and how it can be identified.My question at issue was following:What kind of traces do we leave noticable for others?How can I translate an emotion to a picture?How will the choice of method affect the feeling of the absent?.

En studie i avtalsslutande mellan privatpersoner : Med inriktning på viljeförklaringens betydelse vid handel genom annons

As trading through advertisements increases, for example via advertisement websites such as Blocket, trading and contracting between individuals also increases. The contract law is the applicable legislation when individuals are trading between one another, because of the fact that individuals are to be considered equal against each another, and no consumer protection provisions are applicable. The contract law is not compelling, and general principles of contract law are therefore frequently applied within the legal area of contract law.Consistent declarations of intent shall have been delivered from both parties for a binding agreement to have been concluded. The declaration of intent, for example tender and acceptance are examples of a will to legally act. Other than tender and acceptance, the declaration of intent is usually difficult to establish and determine.In the event of the commencement of a negotiation stage between the parties, the declarations of intent are not deemed to be binding, but rather binding in the sense of a moral attachment for the parties.

Konstruktiva och destruktiva former av språklig kommunikation i moderna arbetsorganisationer : - En teoretisk undersökning med kompletterande fallstudier av Leksands vårdcentral och Mora vårdcentral

A main aim with the essay ?Constructive and destructive forms of language communication in modern work organizations? is to try to develop methods which can be used to measure and classify different forms of language communication. Methods that hopefully also can be used for analysis of in which ways dominating language communication forms affects employees health in modern work organizations.Quantitative methods have chiefly been used in the essay. A questionnaire study based on sociological research and psychoterapeutic research and practice has been used to collect data around communication in two work organizations (community health centers). Then communication has been classified in two main forms: constructive and destructive language communication.Results in the essay indicate that there are tendencies to links between high illness-absence and destructive communication in a work organization.

Konstruktiva och destruktiva former av språklig kommunikation i moderna arbetsorganisationer : - En teoretisk undersökning med kompletterande fallstudier av Leksands vårdcentral och Mora vårdcentral

A main aim with the essay ?Constructive and destructive forms of language communication in modern work organizations? is to try to develop methods which can be used to measure and classify different forms of language communication. Methods that hopefully also can be used for analysis of in which ways dominating language communication forms affects employees health in modern work organizations. Quantitative methods have chiefly been used in the essay. A questionnaire study based on sociological research and psychoterapeutic research and practice has been used to collect data around communication in two work organizations (community health centers). Then communication has been classified in two main forms: constructive and destructive language communication. Results in the essay indicate that there are tendencies to links between high illness-absence and destructive communication in a work organization.

Sara skolkar : Ett mobilt frånvarorapporteringssystem

This bachelor thesis portray a project where the main task were to develop a computer based system prototype for handling of absence report at the upper secondary school af Chapman in Karlskrona. The project has been conducted in cooperation with students from the university programs software engineering and information economy at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Our task as MDA-students have been to survey the process of absence report of today through field studies and give a proposal of a graphical user interface which later were developed by the software engineers. The thesis also handles the cooperation with other students from other university programs..

Bilderbokens förmåga att skildra relationer : Analys av fem bilderböcker med fokus på relationen mellan barn och vuxna

This study analyses five different picture books from the last few decades. The aim of the analysis was to investigate how relations between children and adults are presented in the picture books. One way to achieve this has been to focus on the adults? presence or absence in the narrative, and also what kind of authority the adult(s) can have in the action and how it can affect relations between children and adults. The idea is that this degree project can be adapted for practical use in school.

"Vill du ha mitt utförsäkrade liv?" : en studie om människors upplevelser efter att de utförsäkrats

The purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasons and perhaps some answers to the problem as we see it, the sickness benefit expiration of those who experience this. By this said we have also taken into account the different laws and adjustments in the long-term sickness benefit, but also major reformation of the security net in the Swedish society. The efficiency of the law on passive long-term sickness absence was added in July 2008, but was later in January 2010 supplemented. The purpose of this law wasn?t only to reduce the long-term sickness absence but also to reduce exclusion.

Korttidssjukfrånvaron Vård och Omsorg Öster : vad kan den bero på och hur skulle den kunna minskas

The health care sector Öster has the highest average absence due to short-time sickness in Örebro. It is the short-term absence that has the highest costs for the organisation, not just in money, but also in quality disturbances and administrative work. Health care sector Öster is divided into four areas with a manager for each. We have chosen to conduct our research within the special housings in area one and four, since these two had the lowest and highest short-term absences.The purpose with the research is to examine short-term absences among the health care personnel in the health care sector Öster, see what the absences depend on, and what can be done to solve the issue. We will compare the absences in the area with the highest respectively lowest short-term absences in order to see if there are any prominent differences between the two.

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